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Each month, we deliver a curated list of 10-15 high-potential stocks under $5 billion market cap, selected from companies across the USA and Canada.





Stay informed on unique special situations with our bi-monthly report, featuring divestments, shareholder activism, fund letters, stock crashes, segment financials, and executive changes.


William C. Martin,

Raging Capital Ventures / Raging Capital Management LLC

Snowball is a tremendous research tool for value- and change-orientated investors that literally does the heavy lifting to help you find great, needle-in-the-haystack investment ideas.


David Nierenberg

 The D3 Family Funds

Raghu’s research saves us an enormous amount of time researching what other activists are doing with domestic public companies. He is on top of the latest news and he often supplements the news with value-added analysis and background about the activists and the executives. Our payback on subscribing is enormous.

J. Carlo Cannell 

Cannell Capital LLC

” If everybody's thinking the same thing, then nobody's thinking.”

- General George S. Patton


“That Indian Snowball provides fresh, unbiased data which allows independent consumers to formulate his or her own opinion. It is unique, stellar and a bargain.”

Portfolio Manager
(AUM: $200 million*)


In a world of too many research services providing too many reports of dubious value, Snowball stands out as a worthwhile and differentiated publisher. Further Snowball’s key personnel are responsive to input from clients and always trying to improve their product, which bodes well for the future.

Adam Wilk

Greystone Capital Management LLC


I’ve been getting these awesome in depth research reports flagging interesting ideas and special situations via @snowballresearch. Highly recommend checking them out - purely qualitative / special situation screens

Portfolio Manager
(AUM: $200 million*)

Your product is a good statistical reminder of companies that are ongoing changes. It exposes me to companies I might not be taking a look at. While limited, it is a good starting point for further investigation.

Flag on Mountain Peak



March Intelligence Research LLP,

65, Sakthi Garden, 2nd cross street, Okkiam thoraipakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

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snowball research

Value investing  | Qualitative screening

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